
What Do Cats Like? – 10 Things That Make Them Happy

Their pleasure is crucial while we live with our fuzzy little cats. After all, it is primarily your responsibility to guarantee their safety, nutritional security, and emotional fulfillment.

But what can you do to improve the quality of life for your cat? Surprisingly, it’s easy.

The 10 Things That Make Cats Happy

Provide Good Scratching Surfaces

You undoubtedly quickly realized the need of cat scratchers after bringing your first cat home. If you cherish your possessions, you are aware that you have two options: either give up your fine fabrics or purchase a scratching post.

Cats require a variety of scratching posts in order to maintain their interest. Sisal rope, sisal cloth, cardboard, and carpet all have various textures. Each of these substances offers a distinct texture and level of tension, allowing your cat to work out the muscles in its front legs.

In addition to providing physical benefits, shredding helps your cat shed dead nail fragments to maintain healthy, razor-sharp claws.

Consider the activity level of each cat as some are more interested in scratching objects than others. No matter what they are interested in, it is essential to provide a scratching surface because all cats need to maintain their claw sharpness.

Cozy Napping Spots

Cats are known to enjoy a comfortable place to slumber. While some cats like to slumber in alone, others are fine with being outside. After a lengthy grooming session, these cats can doze off almost anywhere, be it in a comfy plush cat bed in the corner or a window hammock.

Your cat may feel more secure and safe if they are aware of the differences. You may discover through time that they prefer specific materials or patterns, in which case you can shop appropriately. Additionally, the internet is plenty with adorable DIY projects for creating your own cat beds for your cherished pets.

Adventuring and Exploring

Every cat enjoys a nice adventure now and then. A cat will get into mischief if it is overly bored in order to make up for it. Even if you are unable to allow your cat go outside, you may still indulge their love of adventure indoors.

There are so many fun ideas for climbers and explorers thanks to the ever-expanding toy market, like:

You can create or purchase patterns that not only your cat will adore, but also completely ruin the attractiveness of your house.

Tasty, Mouth-Watering Snacks

What kind of cat would decline a tasty treat? There aren’t many, for sure. Giving your cat a treat is a nice reward they are sure to love whenever you are happy of them. These tiny affectionate prods let your cat know they are cherished and cared for, and they will return the favor with similar tenderness.

Obesity is a serious health risk, especially in older and fixed cats. Do not overdo it, please. Even while treats are great in moderation, avoid overfeeding your cat. Although chubby cats are cute, those additional pounds can cause unwelcome conditions including feline diabetes and organ damage.

Fresh Food & Water

It might seem obvious, but providing a cat with a regular feeding schedule and fresh water source is crucial. They depend on regular dietary intake, and they are entitled to clean water that inhibits the growth of bacteria and dangerous illnesses.

It can result in some very serious illnesses and doesn’t make your cat very happy if they are eating from dirty bowls. Additionally, be careful to discard any expired food and replace it each day with new food.

For the utmost freshness, you might even consider a self-watering bowl. On websites like Amazon and Chewy, they have a ton of choices.

Interactive and Solo Play

Cats can, for the most part, amuse themselves. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend some time playing together. By providing interactive toys and activities, you or someone else in the house can engage in many enjoyable play sessions with your cat.

But getting your cat toys that run on their own and typically use batteries or rechargeable technology is just as wonderful. Without another person present, these interactive gadgets simulate cooperative play.

A Variety of Toys

Cats become bored with the same old thing much like humans do. They will lose interest and begin to look for other things that aren’t for them if they are constantly given the same uninteresting toys.

Commercial cat toys that accommodate any type of play are readily available online. To make sure they always have something to do, either get a variety of toys or stock up on their favorites. These days, producers are even crazier, making insane cat playsets and cat wheels.

You may even use websites like Pinterest to complete a DIY project that is really cheap and simple to do.

Affection & Attention

Every cat will have a different tolerance for affection. Some cats are so adorable that they never want to leave you alone. Other cats don’t need as much attention because they are more independent and laid back.

Nevertheless, every cat occasionally wants a cuddle from its owners, regardless of how affectionate they are. You should use your best judgment because it can vary. Take a time to give your cat some scratches and kisses if it seems like they could use a little more affection or if they keep approaching you for your attention.

A Clean Environment

Lack of cleanliness in your cat’s litter box and resting spots can lead to a number of behavioral issues that can be challenging to resolve. When there are enough clean litter boxes for every cat in the house, cats do much better. Cats are notoriously possessive when it comes to the restroom.

Competition between cats in a household might lead to urinating on difficult-to-clean textiles. Just make sure everything is clean and cat-friendly because it would be a disaster you don’t want to deal with.

You should typically have one litter box per cat, plus one extra.

Give Them Good Company

It’s crucial for pets and people to get along. Your cat needs tranquil surroundings. It makes no difference whether the family dog or a crying infant is the source of your cat’s stress. It will be tough for your cat to be happy if they are stressed out most of the time.

If you can, try to keep your cat out of the chaos. Make sure your cat has a playmate and activities to keep them occupied all day. Everyone will benefit from their increased involvement and sense of belonging.

Things to Avoid

Knowing what to do wrong is just as important as knowing how to make your cat happy. Let’s talk about a few items that, if you’re not careful, could harm your cat.

crowded trash cans

When it comes to who they use their bathroom with, some cats can be quite choosy. They don’t want to cope with another cat’s odour or poop in areas where others have dared to crap. Give them each their own place as a result.

Insufficient personal space

Despite how loving they might be, cats are independent creatures who treasure their alone time. When they are overstimulated, they require a stress-free location to retreat to.

Rough Treatment

No animal, including cats, enjoys being the target of bullying. Therefore, being too rough when playing, giving punishment, or handling them in general can leave a terrible impression.

You might observe that they begin to withdraw, go on the defensive, or even exhibit aggressive behavior.


It’s not that difficult to keep your cat happy, and you’ve probably noticed that your cat is currently content. In the rare instances where something at home is causing internal cat conflict, try identifying and resolving the problem.

There are several ways to coexist and prosper with our furry friends. And if there is a minor hitch, know that it will pass if the right preventive measures are taken.

Credit for the Featured Image: Natalia Onishchenko, Shutterstock

what do cats like
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