
Fainting Goats (Myotonic): Facts, Lifespan, Behavior & Care Guide (with Pictures)

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You’ve probably seen some hilarious videos floating around social media that feature goats passing out or doing something similar. It’s possible that this has piqued your interest, but what exactly is the root cause of this phenomenon? Myotonia is the name of the inherited condition in question here. You might be interested in getting the lowdown on what exactly this means in terms of the bigger picture, regardless of whether or not you already own goats.

Quick Facts about Fainting Goats

Species Name: Capra aegagrus hircus
Family: Bovidae
Care Level: Easy
Temperament: Stubborn, curious, friendly
Color Form: Black and white, white, black, chocolate, blue, red, gold
Lifespan: 10 to 18 years
Size: 50 pounds
Diet: Hay, grain, plant matter
Minimum Enclosure Size: 200 square feet
Living Setup: Shelter, enclosure
Compatibility: High

Overview of the Fainting Goats

Since their relatively humble beginnings, Tennessee fainting goats have achieved quite a lot of success. In the 1800s, fainting goats, which were originally used in America as meat goats, were brought to the state of Tennessee. However, there has been a significant decline in demand for this type of meat in recent years.

Those who worked with these goats were well aware of the myotonia that they exhibited, but they did not yet have a scientific explanation for it. It wasn’t until 1996 that scientists had a complete understanding of the gene in their DNA that causes the disorder.

Myotonia is an inherited condition that causes these goats no discomfort, is completely safe, and has become completely natural to them. On the other hand, myotonic goats are more susceptible to the development of certain diseases. Both rats and humans are susceptible to developing this condition.

Aside from the benefits to their health, goat owners all over the world adore them for their beauty. These lovable creatures win over people’s affection with their endearing behavior and peculiar condition.

What is the going rate for Fainting Goats?

The price of fainting goats is determined by a number of different variables, but there are some averages to consider. Goats can be purchased from people who are licensed to breed them, from farms, or from people who are trying to find new homes for these adorable animals.

Typical Conduct and Personality Traits

Owners tend to adore the personalities of fainting goats. These tinier creatures have a propensity to be extremely loving and, by their very nature, affectionate with their owners. Although they occasionally get into trouble, they are not nearly as obstinate as some other breeds of dogs.

Children are able to have a lot of fun with them as playmates because they are so simple to handle. A child wouldn’t have any trouble participating in activities like 4H or any of the other extracurricular activities that are associated with farming.

The fainting goat is regarded as extremely funny, entertaining, and charismatic by the vast majority of people. They usually get along very well with the other animals that live on the farm.

Therefore, the idea of myotonia is probably the one that most piques your interest. When these goats are bound up and they fall, it can look like they are in a lot of pain and it can be very concerning. Myotonia, on the other hand, affects only the muscles and nothing else; this fact is very important to keep in mind. There is no issue with the individual’s cognitive abilities, oxygen consumption, or neurological system.

Myotonia is nothing more than the body’s genetic response to the shock of an unexpected event. This will in no way affect the wellbeing of our livelihood or the well-being of your goat friends. You will quickly become accustomed to their peculiar behavior.

Appearance & Varieties

The size and coloring of the lovable fainting goat can vary quite a bit from animal to animal. It is not unheard of to come across an adult fainting goat that weighs only 50 pounds, but it is also not uncommon to come across one that weighs 120 pounds.

In a manner comparable to how their weight can vary, so too can the color of their coats.

Goats that faint can also have horns on their heads. A buck may have horns that curl outward in a spiral pattern.

How to Care for Goats That Are Having a Fit

When you first get your fainting goats, there is probably going to be a lot for you to learn about them. However, the overall process of acclimatization will change depending on how familiar you are with raising animals and living on a farm. Many people won’t feel comfortable keeping fainting goats as pets because of their unpredictable behavior. A lot of people lack the land, the space, the time, and the resources necessary to properly care for them.

In addition, this is not a situation in which you are permitted to keep pot-bellied pigs as household pets. They should be kept outside with adequate reinforcements, nutritional support, and medical care.

Environment, Living Circumstances, and Setup

Fainting goats require a large amount of space to be able to kick their legs because of the nature of their livelihood and how energetic they are. Because they are unable to get the necessary amount of exercise, your animals will not be in good health if you keep a goat locked up in a small enclosure.

As a general rule of thumb, you should allot at least 30 square feet of space for each goat.

There is a good chance that you have heard tales about how goats can run, jump, and climb. Some people are highly skilled escapologists. You should also consider installing a fence that can withstand attacks from dangerous animals. You need to choose a spacing of at least 4 inches for your fencing if you want to keep them in and keep unwanted visitors out.

Goats that are ill or weak will benefit the most from absorbent and dry bedding. You have a number of options to select from, and you can go with the method that appeals to you the most. Sawdust, pine shavings, and straw are the three types of bedding that are most frequently used.

Regarding the nature of your shelter, you do not require anything particularly elaborate. You will, however, be responsible for taking measures to ensure that your goat is shielded from any adverse weather conditions, including high winds and extreme temperatures.

Check that the shelter you choose has enough space to accommodate all of your goats before you commit to buying it.

You should never make the mistake of buying a single goat. Always make sure to have someone with you, whether it be a partner or a small group. These creatures are highly social and require the attention and interaction of other individuals of the same species.


To keep them in tip-top condition, fainting goats need to receive routine veterinary care. You will need to get annual checkups so that any abnormalities can be detected and treated. Vaccinations given on a regular basis to goats are also necessary for the disease prevention of this species.

Every six weeks, goats need to have their hooves trimmed and trimmed only.

Can Fainting Goats Coexist Peaceably with Other Types of Pets?

If your fainting goat has been socialized with other animals from a very early age, they will be accepting of them. Fainting goats have a natural curiosity about other creatures around them.

A fainting goat making friends with a member of an entirely different species is not an unlikely occurrence by any stretch of the imagination. For instance, they may become ecstatic whenever they see the dog that belongs to the family. Because of this, they are wonderful options for farms that are home to a variety of different species of animals.

What to Give Your Goats If They Are Coughing

It is essential that you provide the appropriate diet for your goat that is fainting. You will need to monitor the growth of your fainting goat to ensure that it is progressing appropriately. Having better health in one’s younger years confers an advantage later in life.

Hay composed of plants such as alfalfa and clover should make up approximately ninety percent of a fainting goat’s daily diet. They get the additional benefit of being able to consume fibrous, freshly cut grasses and shrubs when they graze.

You need to make sure that your goats have access to some mineral blocks or salt licks as well. Always check to see that your goats have access to a clean water source whenever they are out in the pasture.

Maintaining the Well-Being of Your Bleating Goats

To keep your goat in good health, you will need to provide it with specialized care and an appropriate living environment. Maintaining a schedule of regular checkups with the veterinarian is extremely important. By doing so, you will be able to stay one step ahead of any developing or potential health issues as they arise.

Aside from their myotonic condition, fainting goats are generally in good health; however, there are times when more serious problems may arise.

Johne’s disease is a condition that is more common in myotonic goats than in other types of goats. The bacteria that cause paratuberculosis are responsible for this illness of the digestive tract. Because it is contagious, it is essential to get the infection under control as quickly as possible for the sake of the herd.

Because the disease is fatal, you will need to separate the sick goat or goats from the healthy animals as soon as possible in order to stop any further transmission.


Goats that faint reach sexual maturity between the ages of four and five months. However, it is recommended that you hold off on breeding them until they are between 6 and 9 months old. Because of the need for the female’s reproductive system and overall structure to develop normally before trying to conceive, this practice is followed so that there are fewer medical issues associated with childbirth.

Goats that faint are typically excellent mothers who do a wonderful job of caring for and nurturing their young. The average length of a nanny’s pregnancy is 150 days. It’s typical to see two, and sometimes three, kids born per pregnancy.

Even though you can breed your nanny twice a year, this does not necessarily mean that it is healthy to do so too frequently. Her physical self requires some time to fully recover.

Are You the Right Candidate for Fainting Goats?

Fainting goats have the potential to be wonderful companions in a variety of contexts. However, this does not imply that anyone and everyone will be interested in keeping these animals as pets. Before you commit to making a purchase, you need to double check that you have satisfied all of the prerequisite conditions listed on your checklist.

The ownership of goats requires careful planning and, in the absence of an existing shelter or fence, even the construction of one. Before you invite a few fainting goats to your barnyard, you should make sure that you have completed all of your homework and prepared appropriately.

Credit for the featured image goes to stux on Pixabay.

fainting goats
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