
English Lop Rabbit

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One of the first varieties of rabbits to be produced for display purposes was the English Lop. These rabbits are becoming common house pets all throughout the world. When fully grown, English Lops weigh around 10 pounds and measure around 18 inches. They are thought of as a fancy breed. Their long, floppy ears aid in controlling body temperature.

These rabbits have short fur that, when stroked against its natural grain, springs back into place. They don’t need special maintenance to keep their coat clean, and they don’t shed much. These are not creatures that are very active, thus they are prone to gaining weight. Do you want to know more about this wonderful cuddly animal? Read on!

An overview of English Lop Rabbits

Species Name: Oryctolagus cuniculus
Family: Leporids
Care Level: Moderate
Temperature: 55-75 degrees
Temperament: Easy-going, fun-loving
Color Form: Black, white, blue, opal, fawn, tort, etc.
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Size: 9-11 pounds
Diet: Hay, grasses, wheat, vegetables, fruit
Minimum Tank Size: 12 square feet and exercise space
Tank Set-Up: Sleeping hutch and exercise pen
Compatibility: Kids, adults, other rabbits

Overview of English Lop Rabbit

Both children and adults adore the English Lop rabbit. These creatures are kind, laid-back, inquisitive, and interactive. Although far less than the typical cat or dog, they need a fair amount of grooming and maintenance. Despite being amusing to look at, their long, floppy ears might get in the way when trying to hop and move around.

As a result, compared to other breeds, these rabbits are more likely to be sedentary. They still want space, though, to be able to play with toys whenever they want. English Lops come in a wide range of colors, including fawn, black, blue, white, and multicolored, and are slightly larger than the majority of other rabbit breeds available on the market.

Although these rabbits can live both inside and outside, they struggle in excessively cold or hot climates. They should be brought inside, where the temperature is controlled, if the temperature falls below 50 degrees or rises above 80 degrees. They enjoy eating fresh veggies, but hay and grass pellets should be their main sources of nutrition.

What Are the Prices of English Lop Rabbits?

English Lop rabbits typically cost between $50 and $75 at pet stores, give or take. The actual cost is determined by a number of factors, including the origin of the rabbits, the length of time the pet shop has been caring for them, and the amount of veterinary care the rabbit has had. Any English Lop rabbit that you are thinking about purchasing need to have received its initial shots and been examined by a licensed veterinarian.

Normal Conduct & Temperament

English lop rabbits are affectionate, gentle, and incredibly sluggish. They enjoy playing with interactive toys and cuddling with their human family members, but they prefer to spend most of their time relaxed and splayed out. They prefer hanging out with kids that aren’t demanding or boisterous.

These rabbits are friendly toward all other varieties and don’t mind coexisting in a sizable habitat with one or more other rabbits. They make the ideal pet for people who live in small homes and apartments because they require little upkeep and little place to live.

Varieties and Aesthetics

When thinking about the English Lop rabbit, two adjectives that immediately come to mind are large and velvety. Their enormous, floppy ears, which can get up to 23 inches long, set them apart from other rabbit breeds. When fully grown, they can reach lengths of up to 33 inches and weights of 9 to 11 pounds.

Although English Lop rabbits are not the largest breed, they are clearly bigger than the majority of rabbit breeds. These bunnies look serious because of their broad noses, attentive eyes, and large heads. They can be multicolored or have white streaks inserted to break up their many colors.

Care Instructions for an English Lop Rabbit

As far as pets go, maintaining an English Lop rabbit is pretty simple. They require regular attention from their human family members, access to clean water and nutritious food, a secure area to rest, explore, and play. Everything you need to know about taking care of one of these lovely rabbits is provided here.

Tank Setup & Conditions

For their own safety, every English Lop rabbit should reside in a confined space. Like cats, rabbits are litter trained, so if the environment is set correctly for their safety and daily needs, they can live in the house or a single room without a cage or habitat of any type. This is not advised, though, if there is a lot of foot movement in the home during the day.


If your English Lop rabbit will live in a confined cage setting, there should be enough room for it to spread out and stretch its legs, at the very least. At least twice as long should be provided for the habitat. Your rabbit should be able to hop at least three times from one end to the other.

Your rabbit should have access to a linked “play yard,” which might be something like a baby playpen or a larger cage of at least 28 square feet, in addition to a sleeping area and a basic living environment. They will spend their time here exploring, playing with toys, consuming food and liquids, and using the restroom. Because of this, the play area and sleeping quarters should always be connected, with your rabbit being able to travel between them.

Some parents of rabbits keep their pets in sizable hutches or cages and let them out periodically for food, drink, and play breaks. Having someone at home all day to let the rabbit out every couple of hours is necessary for this to be practical.

Unlike guinea pigs and hamsters, which are also commonly kept in cages, rabbits do not use the restroom anywhere. They use a litter box much like a cat does. As a result, their bedding only needs to be soft and cannot be absorbent. Commercial bedding is excellent, but blankets and used clothing also work well.

Crepuscular, or night and day, is the term used to describe how rabbits behave. The majority of their time is spent sleeping and relaxing. As a result, they do not require additional lighting at night to meet their sleeping and waking patterns. In order to provide them more visibility for activity, they should be given basic house illumination inside or a tiny solar light outdoors during dusk.

Because of the way their ears are made to assist them control their body temperature, English Lop rabbits can survive in both colder and warmer climates. They thrive in climates between 50 and 75 degrees, but they can also survive in conditions that are just a little bit warmer or cooler than these ranges. If they live inside, they don’t require special heaters or air conditioners to stay comfortable all year long. If they were living outside, they could want additional blankets or a small space heater at night during the winter. When the temperature falls below 40 degrees, they should never reside outside.

The Best Food for an English Lop Rabbit

English Lop rabbits mostly consume commercial pellets and hay, which are both available at pet shops, grocery stores, and a variety of internet retailers. Your rabbit’s daily food should consist of at least 70% hay and/or pellets.

Fresh veggies such diced carrots, celery, tomatoes, broccoli, kale, romaine, and cauliflower can make up the remainder of their diet. They can also nibble on tiny pieces of fresh fruit like watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries.

Taking Care of Your English Lop Rabbit

For optimal health, make sure your English Lop has access to enough fresh water, the proper food, a tidy litter box, a secure place to sleep, and space to explore and play. Additionally, your pet rabbit should visit a doctor once a year for a checkup and any required vaccines.

English lop rabbits and other pets get along well, right?

These rabbits get along with every other rabbit, but they are often scared of cats and dogs and other larger animals. However, if they are exposed to a sociable cat or dog when they are still very young, they can eventually learn to get along with them. When spending time with any animal other than rabbits, they should always be under supervision.

Do English Lop Rabbits Fit Your Lifestyle?

We have discussed every aspect of caring for these bunnies as well as their characteristics, temperament, and environment. You must now make the choice of whether you wish to adopt one of these cute rabbits. Are you thinking of getting an English Lop rabbit as a pet? Tell us in the comments section why you agree or disagree.

Mike Andreou, Shutterstock, used as the featured image

english lop rabbit
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