
Do Cats Vomit When Stressed? Deciphering Your Cat’s Behavior

Cats are excellent at hiding their stress, we’ll admit it. (Perhaps as a result of how much time they spend hiding when under stress.) When cats are anxious, they do however tend to get a few ticks, many of which can be rather bothersome.

For instance, agitated cats frequently overgroom themselves. They find that grooming is calming, thus they frequently use it to “soothe” themselves. Additionally, under stress, some cats may vomit or even get diarrhea.

If you see your cat throwing up, it can just be stress or something more serious. Knowing the difference is essential since the latter frequently indicates that you should visit your veterinarian. So that you can distinguish between the two, we’ll look closely at how cats respond to stress in this post, as well as the reasons why they might vomit.

Signs That Your Cat is Stressed

However, if your cat is throwing up and displaying other signs of worry, stress is probably the root of their stomachache.

Why Do Cats Suddenly Vomit?

Cats may vomit for several reasons that are not immediately apparent. Cats can vomit when they are stressed, as we’ve already mentioned. However, gastrointestinal issues of all kinds can also result in vomiting.

For instance, many cats might consume too much food or too quickly. When they’re finished, they might vomit up the extra in this situation. Cats occasionally eat objects that are not intended for them, such as strings. It can make their body try to vomit it up (or even successfully vomit it up).

Cats can occasionally grow hairballs as well. While we consider hairballs to be “natural,” this behavior is in no way normal. It may indicate that you are not grooming your cat frequently enough or that stress is present on a regular basis.

It is also crucial to keep in mind that a cat who refuses food may not necessarily be “finicky,” but rather stressed out or ill.

Most of the aforementioned explanations are quite harmless. However, a variety of dangerous illnesses, such as the following, can also cause vomiting in cats:

Many of these ailments require veterinary care because they pose a hazard to life. However, many cats are quite skilled at masking their symptoms, so you might not detect anything amiss until things are dire. Many of these illnesses can have early warning signs like vomiting.

Fortunately, when detected early, many diseases can be treated. So, if your cat seems to be vomiting more frequently than usual, it could be time to visit the vet.

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Troublesome Signs to Look For

It can be challenging to decide whether to take a pet to the doctor and when vomiting could be typical. For instance, excessive grooming, vomiting, and urinating outside the litter box in your cat could be symptoms of stress or they could be suffering from a painful UTI.

These are all very dangerous signs. If any of these occur combined with vomiting, we advise you to immediately take your cat to the veterinarian (or even by themselves).

How to Tell the Difference?

It might be challenging to tell the difference between a cat who is vomiting because they are ill and one who is doing so because they are anxious.

You can sometimes tell what group your cat belongs to just observing their surroundings and their behavior. For instance, if you are having guests over and your cat starts to exhibit any indications of tension, it is most likely just stress.

However, if your cat is acting a little listless, throwing up, and doesn’t appear to be under any stress, it’s possible that they are ill.

Of course, this is frequently quite challenging in practice. For instance, there are numerous things that humans don’t truly consider stressful that our cats may find upsetting.

If you are unsure, it is always best to take your cat to the veterinarian. Your cat is in excellent health, which is the worst thing they can say.


Stress can cause cats to vomit. However, they might also be a symptom of a deeper disease. Including humans, cats can get the stomach flu, but they can also vomit for more serious reasons, like ingesting a poisonous plant.

Finding the precise cause of your cat’s vomiting can be challenging. Other symptoms may occasionally steer you in one direction or the other, so keep an eye out for those as well. If in doubt, it is recommended to speak with your veterinarian. They might not always invite you inside. Sometimes, though, they might hint that the issue might be significant and ask you to schedule an appointment.

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Credit for the Featured Image: Hunt Han, Unsplash

do cats vomit when stressed
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